Post-Operative Hysterectomy

What it is, how it manifests, and can physical therapy can help.

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Hysterectomies are the second most commonly performed surgery (after cesarean section) for reproductive age U.S. women, and by the age of 60, over one-third of all women in the US have had a hysterectomy. There are many reasons a person may require a hysterectomy including uterine fibroids, gynecological cancer, uterine prolapse, abnormal bleeding, adenomyosis, and severe Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

There is considerable pelvic irritation and inflammation following a hysterectomy due to the invasive nature of the surgery. This can affect the pelvic floor muscles ability to produce significant force with contraction, or to fully relax after a contraction. A pelvic health physical therapist can identify dysfunctions in the pelvic floor muscles and prescribe appropriate exercises and provide treatment for these dysfunctions in order to allow for optimal healing and long term success after surgery.

Post-Operative Hysterectomy
or related symptoms? Pelvic floor physical therapy can help.

Mendwell is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapy clinic serving patients in Portland, Lake Oswego, Beaverton, and Tigard. Our team of specialists are passionate about helping patients improve pelvic function, relieve pain, and get back to feeling their best. Reach out to learn how we can help.

Other names for this condition

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